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Measuring soil Moisture




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Drone-borne Gamma-Ray Spectrometry to Map Natural Radionuclide Concentrations and Detect Changes in Soil Moisture

Paper presented at the conference AgroGeo 2024 on mapping soil moisture with a drone.


Koomans_veeke moisture Agro geo.pdf

Development of the Gamma soil moisture sensor gSMS.

Chapter 6 of the PhD thesis is Steven van der Veeke, describing the technology.


Development gSMS soil moisture sensor.pdf

Using a gamma-ray spectrometer for soil moisture monitoring: development of the the gamma Soil Moisture Sensor (gSMS)

Paper presented at the congres “Metrology for agriculture and forestry”


2020Metrology for agriculture and forestry (gSMS).pdf

Forest plot soil moisture estimation using the cosmic-ray neutron (CRN) method and gamma-ray spectrometry (GRS)

Poster presented at the AGU 2021 conference.

  • In forests, the water input to the ground is highly variable resulting in an uneven soil water content.

  • Methods for estimating soil moisture at forest plot scale are necessary to understand the forest water budget.

  • Gamma-ray spectrometry (GRS) can be used to estimate soil moisture using the procedure presented by Baldoncini et al. (2018).

  • Soil moisture can be estimated for several depths using GRS measurements.



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