Agricultural applications
Title | Topic | Year | Download paper |
From fielddata to maps | Presentation at Pedometrics 2017 (Wageningen) on first results of our Drone borne gammaray detector | 2017 | |
Soil sensing and yield improvement | Soil mapping provides information on the variation in physical characteristics of agricultural fields. For the | 2013 | |
Gamma Ray Sensor for Topsoil Mapping | Reviewed paper on the use of radiometrics as a tool for soil mapping. | 2010 | |
Soil parameters measured by Geophysics | Table showing the type of parameters that can be inferred from gammaray survey data | 2010 | |
Crops for better soil | EU project CROPS FOR BETTER SOIL Presentation (a European project in Spain where the system is applied for soil mapping). | 2016 | |
Multi Sensor Soil Sensing Tool for Farmland in Spain | Medusa developed an efficient and effective soil sensing system (gamma-ray and GPR) on a 4x4 car to be able to measure >100 fields, 300 ha throughout the north of Spain in 3 weeks. The sensing data was combined with open data (DEM, geology) and soil sampling results (by UPM) to acquire information about soil texture, soil organic matter, tillage layer depth, compaction, altitude, slope, nutrients. This provided a good understanding of the soils and is a powerful communication tool for farmers and agronomists. This paper was presented at the EAGE near surface conference in Barcelona, 2016 | 2016 |