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Drone-borne mapping

TitleTopicYearDownload paper
Upscaling ground-based backpack gamma-ray spectrometry to spatial resolution of UAV-based gamma-ray spectrometry for system validationThis article compares the accuracy of UAV-based measurements with backpack-based systems, particularly in mapping U-238 specific activities. The study finds that UAV-based systems can accurately measure radiation levels with sufficient spatial resolution, despite their lower spatial support compared to ground-based methods, making them suitable for large-scale uranium waste mapping.2024free sciencedirect download
Guidelines for UAV-borne radioelement mapping (IAEA)

A practical guide describing how to set-up a gamma-ray survey with a drone.

About choice of sensor, flight lines, calibration, data analysis and reporting. These guidelines are summary from the PhD thesis of Steven van der Veeke, and are a deliverable from the IAEA CRP D12014.

2023 20230428 - Guidelines for UAV-borne radioelement mappinng (IAEA).pdf
PhD thesis Steven van der VeekeUAV-borne radioelement mapping: towards a guideline and verification methods for geophysical field measurements2023
GIMSoil Mapping with Drones2022
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity articleOptimizing gamma-ray spectrometers for UAV-borne surveys with geophysical applications2021
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity articleFootprint and height corrections for UAV-borne gamma-ray spectrometry studies2021
Fast Times articleDrone-borne gamma-ray spectrometry – a dream come true!2020
First Break article

Towards drone-borne gammaray mapping of soils

EAGE NSE-2018 invited talkA drone as platform for airborne gamma-ray surveys to characterize soil and monitor contaminations2018
EAGE NSE-2018 extended abstractDrone-borne surveying with spectrometers - case studies2018

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