Borehole logging applications
Title | Topic | Year | Download paper |
Towards better borehole logs | A paper presented at the SAGA 2015 conference held in South Africa, September '15. The paper discusses a new approach to correcting spectral gamma data taken in boreholes. It is our aim to arrive at a worldwide interconnected series of calibration pits for spectral gamma borehole tools allowing proper inter comparison of data. | 2015 | |
Towards a global network of gamma-ray detector calibration facilities | Gamma-ray logging tools are applied worldwide. At various locations, calibration facilities are used to calibrate these gamma-ray logging systems. Several attempts have been made to cross-correlate well known calibration pits, but this cross-correlation does not include calibration facilities in Europe or private company calibration facilities. Our aim is to set-up a framework that gives the possibility to interlink all calibration facilities worldwide by using ‘tools of opportunity’–tools that have been calibrated in different calibration facilities, whether this usage was on a coordinated basis or by coincidence. >> Paper published in Exploration Geophysics. Check | ||
Tech preview Supertool | A preview paper on a novel borehole tool we developed. The tool has a CeBr3 crystal connected to a small footprint multichannel analyzer board. the paper shows the specs of the tool that exceed industry standard tools by at least a factor of 2! | 2015 | |
When every count counts | Paper on how to get the most out of your spectra gamma log data. Published in the Wireline magazine of Marcus Chatfield | 2014 | |
Radon in boreholes | Case study of the power of full spectrum analysis to find the cause for apparent high 238U count rates in a borehole measurement. Radon is seen to be the cause | 2008 |